I was visiting a friend yesterday who got a call from his younger sister who was asking for advice. I sat there listening to him talk to her and hand out all the advice he could. It reminded me of the times I have sat and had talks with both my younger sister and brother.
My siblings and I are exceptionally close; I look at them like my own children mixed with my best friends. Especially when we were younger and all were in the house together, we spent many nights up late watching movies and giggling. I miss that.
However, as we have gotten older and left the house (well some of us have returned cough* cough* me) I feel we have lost the closeness we once had. Mainly my brother and I. He has his own life and a wife now and he is busy and I understand that. He can’t call me up every week and chat and even when he does call we don’t have much time to talk.

Some of my favorite memories growing up are…
My brother used to get growing pains and I would go into his room and prop his leg up on a bunch of pillows and sing to him. I used to make up goofy songs so that he would laugh.
My sister and I shared a room all the way up until the day I moved out to California . Most nights we would sing some of our favorite church hymns that our grandma taught us.
Staying up late watching Ron Howard’s version of The Grinch all year round.
Chasing my brother around in the snow in winter time.
Getting the giggles so bad at the dinner table that my mom sent us to the living room because we couldn’t stop.
All 3 of us cuddled together watching a movie on the couch the night before my brother left for boot camp. Haha I’m sure he wouldn’t want people to know that!
So many more…. Sigh* where has the time gone?
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