I decided my “B” word today would be Beatles.

To me there is no greater band out there in the world of music. Some people consider them over rated or not that great but; to me they are the cat’s meow.
I think I like the Beatles so much because I share a love for them with many friends and family members. Some of my favorite memories are listening to The One cd in the car on our way to the mall with my family. My mom really enjoys the Beatles so she introduced them to me at a young age. Now that I am older my love for the band has deepened. My close friend Emily had Beatles Rockband and we spent many nights at her house sharing a bottle of wine and a gaming microphone singing our hearts out with the Beatles. When my son was born a coworker of mine who also shares a similar affection for the Beatles purchased me Beatles Lullabies for my baby shower gift. I played that cd while Max would fall asleep in my arms. I’d silently sing the words along with the lullabied version of their music. Then I switched to just listening to the regular Beatles songs with Max. We would lie in my bed at night and fall asleep to the sweet sound of Paul, John, George, and Ringo working harmoniously together. The lyrics to the songs always find a way to touch my heart or open my mind. To me they just are the best for so many reasons!
One post I made months ago is about the song “In my Life” and how I think that song ideally depicts the feelings I have about my son! Check it out if you get time. In My Life I Love You More
If you have never really gave the Beatles a listen I recommend you do. There is a song for everyone.
Jooba, jooba ... Stick up your jumper!! Good times, good times!